Urizon Projects

Become part of the most esteemed independent professionals community worldwide. Simply share your availability, and we will diligently match you with projects that align with your unique skill set. Whether your aim is to augment your income or to aspire towards establishing an online business, you will come to regard your available time in a completely different light.

Application Form
Tell us about you

*A college degree is required to join our community - Minimun Associate degree or equivalent worldwide

First Name *
Last Name*
Highest level of education*
What is your super power? ( Skill / Major )
You can enter your skill or major (or both) - they don't have to be related.
Enter your LinkedIn Account or your personal website/portfolios*
Step 1 out of 3
*We reserve the right to approve or reject candidates
What type of projects are your intersted in?

Select the type of project(s) you have most experience in.

Step 2 out of 3
*once approved, we will start looking for projects that match your skill set.
Last step

We will notify you the status of your application  via email.

Enter Your Email *
Confirm Your Email *

We reserve the right to accept or reject any applicant based on our internal criteria.Candidates may be required to participate in a short video interview. By applying , you are agreeing to these terms.

Sure lone wolf- you will be able to provide your availability on a weekly or montly basis .

Joining our team means working on long term projects, build online business/startups for equity pay

Step 3 out of 3
*check your emails including the spam folder within 24-48hrs
Next step
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